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Student Profile: Malia


Student Profile - MaliaYear: Sophomore
Hometown: Moundridge, KS
Major: Elementary & Special Education
Minor: Communication
Activities: Student Government Association Events Coordinator, Student Activities Board Publicity Coordinator, McPherson Education Honors Society Secretary, Gamma Beta Phi and M-Club.

“The best part about MC are the opportunities and experiences I have been given through the Teacher Ed Department. As early as Freshman year they are getting us into schools to observe and work in the field we are studying. I have been able to go to Chicago and Wichita to observe diverse schools which gave me a new perspective and appreciation of education.

“Another great thing about the college is the Student Debt Project. Through that program I will be able to graduate with no debt which will set me up for my future plans. My project mentors have been incredibly helpful in providing support throughout the program.

“My future plans are to find a placement in an elementary school teaching kindergarten or K-2 special education.”