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Student Profile: Kamden


Student Profile - KamdenYear: Junior
Hometown: Kerrville TX
Major: Pre-Law
Minor: Psychology
Activities: Student Activities Board Vice President, Track & Field, Residence Assistant

“Dr. MacGregor has been the best professor I could have asked for during my college career. He’s always been helpful, understanding and accommodating, and he does an amazing job conveying the subject material.

“Being involved on campus has been really important to me. As part of the Residence team it’s been extremely rewarding to build friendships with all my residents! I’ve also been part of the Student Activities Board for 3 years and have loved every minute of it.

“The best thing about Mac is easily the community. I’ve fostered so many friendships with so many great people, and due to the nature of being in a campus-leadership role for so long I always have someone to talk to while walking around campus. You can almost expect for someone greeting you with a smile or a high-five when you walk into any on-campus building.”