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Power Day 2020

Power Day 2020

Thank you Bulldog family for your support on Power Day 2020!

Missed Power Day? You can always make an online gift here.

Goal Tracker
$194,695 of $200,000 raised


Power Day Support
Number of donors: 248


Matching Gift Tracker
MC Fund: $72,246 towards $50,000
Auto Restoration: $11,560 towards $10,000
Athletics: $10,575 towards $10,000
Debt Project: $6,840 towards $5,000


Who’s your face of MC?


Charles Cupp

March 16, 2020

Desmond Bittinger was a gracious individual


Heather Healy

March 15, 2020

The wonderful people from my time at Mac: Rick Tyler, Kim Stanley, Bruce Clary, Karlene Tyler, Katherine Whitacre, Linda Barrett, Dave Barrett, Leland Lengel, Tracy (Stoddart) … Read more

The wonderful people from my time at Mac: Rick Tyler, Kim Stanley, Bruce Clary, Karlene Tyler, Katherine Whitacre, Linda Barrett, Dave Barrett, Leland Lengel, Tracy (Stoddart) Primozich, Lynn Brant, Susan Taylor, Herb Smith ... and many, many others.


Carol Hisken

March 14, 2020

Dr Doris Coppock and Coach Art Ray - their encouragements on and off the court and track.


Treva Mathur

March 14, 2020

My uncle Dale Brown, currently on Hospice in the Chicago area.


Gary Foulke

March 14, 2020

There are so many! Jeanne Smith, Dale Goldsmith, Bob Green, Susan Taylor, Judy Foulke in the bookstore.


Stachea Mora

March 14, 2020

Dave Barrett! Looked out for me when i was At Mac and still checks up on me! He’s one of a kind!!


Neil Elliott

March 14, 2020

Roger and Vicki Trimmell - great role models and ambassadors for the college community!


Joe Dickhudt

March 14, 2020

Dr. Laura Eells. There are so many wonderful people here, but I believe she most of all models the spirit and the soul of McPherson College.


Rhea Lay

March 14, 2020

Dan Hoffman...he was always there as a professor and advisor. Even when I wasn't sure the direction I was going, he was always there with a kind words, quirky story or … Read more

Dan Hoffman...he was always there as a professor and advisor. Even when I wasn't sure the direction I was going, he was always there with a kind words, quirky story or just general encouragement.


Augie Hirt

March 13, 2020

Coach Art Ray. He was THE coach doing the best he could with limited resources and facilities.


John William Grove

March 13, 2020

Our racially diverse student population!


Ripp Harrison

March 13, 2020

Matt Hoffman! He was one of the first people I met when I arrived on campus as a freshman. He was my neighbor in Morrison and his laugh is one that you could recognize immediately due to its volume and unique sound. He … Read more

Matt Hoffman! He was one of the first people I met when I arrived on campus as a freshman. He was my neighbor in Morrison and his laugh is one that you could recognize immediately due to its volume and unique sound. He became a good friend and even helped me get my first teaching job after graduating. We coached and taught together for several years and still talk regularly even though we no longer work at the same school.