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Power Day 2022

Power Day 2022

Thank you Bulldog family for your support.

We reached all of our matching gifts and surpassed our initial goal of $200k on Thursday. And on Friday you got us past the new goal of $300k. Thank you for powering the MC student experience!

Goal Tracker
$315,263 of $300,000 raised
Matching Gift Tracker
Paul Family Match to MC Fund/Academics: $154,088 towards $50,000 match
Van Goethem Family Match to Young Alumni: $57,285 towards $10,000 match
Van Goethem Family Match to Athletics: $23,110 towards $10,000 match
Van Goethem Family Match to Choir: $10,705 towards $5,000 match
Jeff Slagle Match to Auto Restoration: $14,905 towards $10,000 match
Trustee Match: $21,750 towards $10,000 match


Power Day Support
Number of donors: 403



Power Day Updates

Facebook Live updates from Thursday with Dave Barrett and guests:



Previous Power Days: 2023 | 2022 | 20212020 | 2019 | 2018