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Choir Concert: In Winter’s Time: A Celebration in Text and Song
The McPherson College Choir will perform a concert entitled “In Winter’s Time: A Celebration in Text and Song” on Sunday, December 5 at 4 p.m. at the McPherson Church of the Brethren.
The concert is designed as a seamless flow of text and song, utilizing poetry, choral music, and congregational carol singing. Pastor Kathryn Whitacre of the Church of the Brethren will narrate and Dr. Steven Gustafson, faculty emeritus, will serve as organist for prelude music as well as congregational singing.
The concert focuses on events most often associated with the winter season featuring traditional Christmas carols such as “Silent Night,” arranged by Dan Forrest, a new arrangement of the familiar Latin text “O Magnum Mysterium,” and the premiere of “In the Bleak Mid-winter,” arranged by Dr. Bradley Vogel, director of choral activities at McPherson College. Other winter themes will feature the presence of snow in Eric Whitacre’s shimmering work, “Glow,” and a fun and rousing work for chorus and piano entitled “Toboggan for Two.”
“I find the music and texts of the music to be very captivating, and the addition of poetry to the concert provides a wonderful celebration of the season through various arts,” Vogel said. “And, the acoustics and instruments of the church will be put to great use with the inclusion of congregational singing.”
The community is invited to come hear and sing beautiful music of the season.
Concert will be streamed at https://livestream.com/mcpherson-college