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Norman Hope Ph.D.

Norman Hope


B.S. Manchester College
M.B.A. Emporia State University
Ph.D. Kansas State University

Teaching Philosophy
I see my role as a college professor informed by these seven characteristics.

  1. Be a Servant. Serve student needs, facilitating student learning and growth with humility; helpfulness; taking initiative and intervening where needed; and leading with a servant’s heart.
  2. Be Generous: Be generous with my time, skill, and ability in pursuing student learning and growth outside and inside the classroom.
  3. Have Integrity: Be honest with myself and others; understanding what being true to who you are means. Help students increase their capabilities, abilities, and skills so they can provide greater service to others.
  4. Create Community: Learning within community increases knowledge, wisdom, and discernment. Providing a classroom environment that encourages mutual accountability and respect by fostering an understanding that being dependable is important not only for my personal development but for the development of others.
  5. Pursue Excellence: Help students understand that excellence is not being perfect, it is being willing to take risks, make mistakes and learn from them.  It is a commitment to improvement knowing that through the process excellence results.
  6. Exhibit Graciousness: Be willing to forgive and accept responsibility for my actions, knowing that forgiveness involves sacrifice. When appropriate, be willing to intervene in disagreements between others facilitating reconciliation.
  7. Understand Hope and Foster Legacy: Create an environment where students are encouraged, knowing that there is hope and its source.  Help students understand that hope affects legacy.
