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McPherson College Announces Another Semester of Record Enrollment

Freshman Class 2024

McPherson College is reporting record enrollment for the fifth year in a row bolstered by a new student cohort of 300 and an increase in overall retention. Enrollment was confirmed on Friday, September 11, which marked the point when enrollment numbers become official for the fall semester.

Total headcount for the college is 864, and fall-to-fall retention increased to 76 percent. Total headcount includes 790 full-time degree-seeking students, 25 graduate students, as well as part-time students.

“McPherson College continues to make great progress despite the challenges of this year,” President Michael Schneider said. “Our Student Debt Project and Bulldog Adventures programs encourage students to return to McPherson College, and new academic programs like Health Sciences are attracting new students.”

In its second full year, the Student Debt Project has more than doubled in size with more than 200 student participating. The program combines financial literacy, mentoring, and matching funds supporting students on a path to zero student debt. Last year, students in the program reduced their average projected debt by $10,000.

“When you add the Student Debt Project to our success placing graduates in jobs, students and families are recognizing that McPherson College offers a solid foundation for success,” President Schneider said.

Bulldog Adventures, a program introduced last year, provides opportunities for students to get out and explore Kansas. Offering activities like hiking, float trips, a fishing derby, and lawn games, Bulldog Adventures utilizes outdoor spaces in and around campus to engage students and develop leadership skills. In addition to the monthly adventures planned for this year, the program will also offer students the option to build their own adventures with gear provided by the college.

McPherson College introduced a new academic program this fall that offers majors in health science and healthcare management for students interested in areas of allied health. The Health Science program offers students field experience with community partners to gain real-world training in a variety of health care professions. There are 30 students in the program this fall including seven new Health Care Scholars who will participate in signature outreach experiences.

McPherson College Named One Of “2020 Great Colleges To Work For” With Honor Roll Distinction Among Small Colleges

Great Colleges 2020 Honor Roll LogoMcPherson College is a great place to work and it’s been confirmed again this year. The annual survey published in The Chronicle of Higher Education recognizes McPherson College as a “Great Colleges to Work For” for the sixth year in a row as well as on the survey’s Honor Roll for the fifth year in a row. McPherson College is the only Kansas school earning recognition on the lists.

The Honor Roll is an elite group of institutions that are standouts within their respective enrollment sizes. This year, 221 colleges were surveyed for the list and 79 were recognized while 42 were singled out for the Honor Roll.

“Everyone at McPherson College works hard to make this a great place to work, and it’s special to be recognized again this year. This recognition is remarkable given the survey was taken amid the pandemic,” McPherson College President Michael Schneider said. “The fact that we have earned this distinction now for six years running–and been named to the Honor Roll for five years in a row–speaks to the strong, collaborative relationships among our faculty, staff, and administration.”

President Schneider points to some of the basics like the college’s health insurance plan that has not had a premium increase for more than 10 years and monthly all campus meetings, “huddles,” as reasons why people like working for McPherson College. Additionally, involvement in programs like training from the Kansas Leadership Center, which develop adaptive problem solving skills, and other significant professional development investments in the operating budget, sets McPherson College apart from other college campuses.

“Practices that are part of our culture at McPherson College, like regular communications and campus-wide leadership training allowed us to be well prepared for our current situation,” Marty Sigwing, director of facilities, said. “Being a part of a community that gives you the tools you need and the freedom to use them is very rewarding.”

McPherson College was one of just eight institutions nationwide to earn top honors in 11 or more of the report’s 12 categories, which include areas like compensation and benefits along with work and life balance.

“The minute I stepped onto the McPherson College campus, I could instantly feel the community,” Jamie Pjesky, interim dean of students, said. “During my tour of campus we were stopped multiple times because people wanted to say hello. I love that now I help build that community for our students.”

Community is central to McPherson College’s identity, according to President Schneider. “As our college community continues to work through the current challenges, faculty and staff continue to implement the intense yet innovative strategic plan, Community by Design 2021. The strategic plan drove decision-making and much of the work we did over the last several years. In addition, we did all of it while balancing our operating budget, maintaining our overall student retention, and working through a pandemic. By working together, these plans will nurture the creative processes to sustain innovative academic ventures like the new Health Science Program, develop a new tuition revenue model based on the Student Debt Project, and transition MC from a traditional residential campus to a vibrant community.”

The “Great Colleges to Work For” survey is one of the largest and most respected workplace recognition programs in the country. The survey conducted by ModernThink — an organization committed to improving workplace quality — recognizes the colleges that get top ratings from their employees regarding workplace practices and policies.

McPherson College Ranks in U.S. News & World Report “Best College” List for 2021

US News & World Report Best Colleges List

For the fifth year in a row, McPherson College has been recognized by U.S. News & World Report on the 2021 “Best Colleges” list for Regional Colleges in the Midwest. Additionally, McPherson College was included on five of the publication’s other lists including Most Innovative Schools.

The Most Innovative Schools rankings are based solely on the response of college presidents, provosts, and admissions deans, who are asked to nominate colleges or universities in their ranking category that are making the most innovative improvements in terms of curriculum, faculty, students, campus life, technology, or facilities. According to U.S. News & World Report, “These rankings enable top college officials to pick schools that the public should be watching because of cutting-edge changes the colleges are making on their campuses.”

McPherson College was recognized again as a Best Value School by the publication. Only schools ranked in or near the top-half of their categories are included on the “Best Value Schools” ranking list. When evaluating colleges for this list, U.S. News & World Report considers the most significant values to be among colleges that are above average academically and takes into account academic quality as well as cost.

“It is an honor to be included on such a well-respected list,” President Michael Schneider said. “It’s further proof that McPherson College is being recognized for the work being done by our faculty and staff to ensure quality education, excellent student experience, and value.”

Initiatives such as the college’s Student Debt Project, which teaches students how to graduate debt-free, and the college’s successful career placement rate are just two examples of why McPherson College is recognized on the “Best Colleges’ list, according to President Schneider.

“We have some of the highest placement rates in the country with two-thirds of our graduates having jobs or graduate school placement before they even graduate,” President Schneider said. “Combined with our focus on eliminating student debt we are proving to students and families that a McPherson College education is the best choice, and resulting in growing enrollment this fall and steady retention over the past few years.”

McPherson College was also included in the top twenty schools for Ethnic Diversity, Schools with Most International Students, as well as in the top twenty of Top Performers on Social Mobility. The social mobility ranking measures how well schools graduate students who receive federal Pell Grants (those typically coming from households whose family incomes are less than 450,000 annually, though most Pell Grant awards to students with a total family income below $20,000.)

The U.S. News & World Report has been ranking colleges for more than 35 years. The rankings are based on several key measures, each weighted as a percentage of the total score. Graduation, retention rates, and social mobility, assessment of excellence by peers, quality of faculty resources (such as class size and student-faculty ratio) account for more than three-fourths of the ranking.

The remaining one-fourth of the ranking is determined by a college’s student selectivity, and amount of alumni giving and the financial resources at the institution’s disposal. The data gathered for the rankings serves as an objective guide for students and families who are making decisions about attending college.

President Schneider Welcomes Students at Opening Convocation

McPherson College President Michael Schneider welcomed students to campus in a virtual all-campus convocation Friday, August 28 that highlighted school milestones and reminded students to take care of each other.

“Although there continues to be uncertainty, know one thing – you are right where you need to be,” President Schneider said. “Together we can navigate this challenging year safely and successfully. We have a lot to be proud of as we begin this year.”

The fall semester began on August 17 with more than 300 new students and the largest enrollment in school history, continuing the college’s upward enrollment trend established over the past five years. Students arrived on campus in phases over several weeks to reduce social interaction during the move-in process. With record growth, President Schneider said he recognizes that the campus is outgrowing student common spaces. Last year, the college announced plans for a new campus center.

“We are making progress on our plans for a new campus center and have hired an architect who is finalizing the initial plans for the new building,” President Schneider said. “There will be opportunities this year for the campus to engage in conversations on how to best use the new space.”

More students are also participating in the McPherson College Student Debt Project. In its second full year, the program has more than doubled in size. The project focuses on financial literacy and mentoring, as well as starting financial discipline that lasts a lifetime. In addition, students in the program commit to work during college and the college matches a portion of their earnings. Last year, students in the program reduced their average projected debt by $10,000, President Schneider said.

“Students participating in the debt project have 30 percent less debt than the rest of the student body,” President Schneider said. “When you add the Student Debt Project to our success placing graduates in jobs, McPherson College is offering a solid foundation for student success.”

Focus on career education and experiential learning is throughout the McPherson College curriculum. Outcomes for the class of 2020 are on track with previous years at more than 95 percent in careers within six months of graduation. Two-thirds report having a job or post-graduation outcome before they graduate – three times higher than the national average.

“We maintained our high outcome results last spring during a very uncertain time in the job market,” President Schneider said. “That speaks volumes about the kind of graduates we are preparing and about our focus on career exploration.”

Health Science, a new program added this fall, relies on experiential learning and gives students opportunities through community partnerships to get real-world training in a variety of health care professions. There are 30 students in the program this fall including seven new Health Care Scholars who will participate in signature outreach experiences.

Providing experiences beyond the classroom goes further than academics at McPherson College. Bulldog Adventures, a program introduced last year engages students with the great outdoors of Kansas. Bulldog Adventures has hosted hiking trips, float trips, a fishing derby, disc golf, and many other outdoor related activities. This year in addition to the planned monthly adventures, students will have opportunities to build their own adventures choosing from several options with gear provided by the college. Already this semester, Bulldog Adventures teamed with Student Life to offer several activities during the first 40 days on campus. The program will work with the Natural Science department developing an outdoor adventure education center later this semester.

The college also continues its work to combat racism on campus with small group discussions and a campus-wide conversation facilitated by the Kansas Leadership Center for all employees this fall. A campus task force and student work group meet regularly to discuss actions the college can implement to support and create antiracism activities this year.

A video of the opening convocation is at

McPherson College Announces Plans for Fall Semester

McPherson College recently announced its plans for a condensed fall semester that will begin with on-campus classes on August 17 and conclude before Thanksgiving break on November 24. President Michael Schneider shared information about the college’s plans for the fall in his weekly update to students and families.

“The past several months have taught us that things can change quickly,” President Schneider said. ‘We are excited to get students and faculty back on campus and have been working diligently to finalize plans for a healthy and safe return to classes this fall. Our ability to adapt allowed us to move quickly to prepare for the fall semester. The campus has done a remarkable job.”

While McPherson College has maintained its day-to-day operations remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic, it is working toward a gradual reopening of the campus that is consistent with the state’s phased plan to lift restrictions. The college has worked with task forces from across campus and with community partners to develop a plan that focuses on a healthy and safe environment when students, faculty, staff, and visitors return to campus.

Faculty is preparing for several different scenarios that allow classroom and on-campus instruction for the fall. Faculty will be ready to deliver courses in hybrid formats as needed to accommodate for any disruptions to in-person classes. All classrooms, labs, studios, shops, and other campus facilities will be accessible to students provided there are no mandates from local health officials. In the event of health restrictions, the college is prepared to implement social distancing measures in these spaces.

The fall semester will begin with fewer students living in the residence halls and limitations on common spaces as well as practicing important personal hygiene behavior. Residence hall staff will be prepared to implement social distancing with single-point entry, bathroom assignments, and one-way stairwells to prevent the spread of the virus on campus.

The college is finishing a health and safety plan to guide students and staff through the fall semester and beyond, and continues to follow guidance from national, state, and local health officials. Custodial crews began cleaning and sanitizing residential halls, classrooms, labs, athletic facilities, the dining hall, and administrative offices as soon as students were safely off campus using guidelines from the CDC, state, and local health offices. Increased sanitizing will continue as campus reopens.

“After we complete plans that will include advice from health experts and the McPherson County Health Department, we will host a community forum to discuss impacts on the greater community,” President Schneider said.

The college is also working with its campus health clinic partner to assure that students, faculty, and staff will have access to virus testing when classes resume this fall.

There is still some uncertainty about what the fall sports season will look like on all college campuses. McPherson College is working closely with the NAIA to develop plans that provide student-athletes with the best possible experience while minimizing any health risk. The NAIA’s goal is to make an announcement about the fall season by July 1. The college athletic facilities will reopen in the fall as long as there are no restrictions from state or local health officials. Additionally, the college is ready for fan attendance at athletic events as long as there are no restrictions from state officials, local health officials, Kansas Collegiate Athletic Conference, or the NAIA. The college will also prepare to accommodate capacity numbers that support social distancing if necessary.

More details about the fall semester can be found at

President Schneider Addresses Our Work to End Racism

Today we face another crisis in our country because of the tragic deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor and the chaos that has followed. McPherson College stands beside our black faculty, staff, and students and all underrepresented people during this challenging time.

McPherson College has been and will always be a place that welcomes diversity – whether it is race, gender, age, sexuality, ability, or religion. It is who we are. It is part of our founding identity. Discrimination, racism, bigotry – in any form – is unacceptable. We have an obligation as educators and learners to uphold the fact that the best communities are diverse and inclusive.

The events of the last several days are a stark reminder of the importance of our work to end racism. We are committed to do better as a campus by continuing our work with the Kansas Leadership Center to ensure a more inclusive culture through meaningful dialogue, training, and new initiatives. We will continue to support diversity and inclusion training for all student leaders and any interested student through the Student Government Association. We will continue to participate in the University of Southern California Race and Equity Center’s National Assessment of Collegiate Climates to better understand and act on student perspectives on campus climate and diversity.

I hope each of you will join us to do better – to embrace an inclusive culture that supports all types of diversity, engagement, open communication, and authenticity.

Prospective Students Go Online To Compete For Presidential Scholarships

More than 70 students and their parents joined McPherson College staff online Saturday, April 4 for the first-ever Virtual Presidential Scholarship Competition. Despite the event transitioning to an online format, more students than ever participated.

The Presidential Scholarship is the most prestigious of the McPherson College scholarships and is awarded for those who qualify based on a cognitive ability activity, round table discussion, personal interview, and high school academic record. The virtual event included interviews, a roundtable discussion, and presentations submitted by students. Christi Hopkins, vice president for enrollment management, also hosted parents in a Livestream chat to answer questions.

“Presidential Scholarship Day is one of our favorite visit days. It allows us an opportunity to spend time with students and their families,” Hopkins said. “Although this was a new format for us, we were encouraged by parents and students who said they were grateful we didn’t cancel the event.”

One of the parents commended the college on its smooth transition from the on-campus event to an entirely virtual experience. “Your team did a great job adapting to the current situation,” he said. “I work with Fortune 500 companies and state government organizations and they’ve been struggling to get up to speed with online activities. It almost appears as if your school was prepared in advance due to how seamlessly your school has appeared to move to an online format.”

Although prospective students are not visiting campus in person, campus visits and other recruiting events continue virtually. Updates about the campus regarding the COVID-19 situation can be found at The college is sharing a variety of information and on Facebook @McPhersonCollege, Twitter @Mac_College, and Instagram @McPhersonCollege.

McPherson College Names New Director of Athletics

Chandler ShortPresident Michael Schneider is pleased to announce Chandler Short as the new director of athletics at McPherson College. Short, who is currently serving as interim director of athletics, will be the first woman to serve as the full-time athletic director in the history of McPherson College.

“Chandler has been key to recent successes in our athletic department,” President Schneider said. “She will serve our coaches and students well as the department focuses on consistently competing to win the KCAC Commissioner’s Cup, while embracing core values related to our mission of developing whole persons.”

Short began her career at McPherson College in 2017 and was quickly promoted to assistant director of athletics and senior woman administrator in 2018. In addition to a number of administrative activities, Short also supervised all game day operations for Bulldog teams and led many external relations activities including the creation of the Bulldog Athletic Banquet fundraiser. She has been part of an athletic department at McPherson College that has experienced all-time highs in enrollment, fundraising and academic success. In addition, she played a vital role in the creation of the athletic department’s first strategic plan. She replaces Andrew Ehling who resigned in December to accept the position of athletic director at New Mexico Highlands University.

“I would like to thank President Schneider for the continued opportunity to lead McPherson College Athletics,” Short said. “These are exciting times to be working with the talented athletic department staff, coaches, and student-athletes. McPherson is a special place where I started my college career and I am excited to serve the student-athletes and staff of McPherson College Athletics and support this campus community.”

She earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Physical Education and Health from McPherson College in 2015 and a Master’s Degree in Adult and Higher Education with an emphasis in Intercollegiate Athletic Administration from the University of Oklahoma in 2017. Short served as a graduate assistant in the OU Athletic Department Student-Athlete Support Services & Student-Athlete Development Office. She spent time working with the sports psychologist and psychological resources for the student athletes office at OU, and served on the Intercollegiate Athletic Administration Student Association Executive Board as alumni relations coordinator. She was also part of the 2016 NCAA Men’s Basketball Championship Tournament staff in Oklahoma City.

As a student-athlete at McPherson College, she was a member of the women’s basketball team from 2012-2014 and the tennis team that won back-to-back KCAC championships in 2014 and 2015.

Graduating With Zero Student Debt Impacts Your Track For Life

Student Debt Project - Curtis Bros

By Michael Schneider, President
McPherson College

Jake Curtis and his twin brother, Jared, had big dreams of college—coupled with fears those dreams could be crippled by years of student debt. For the Curtis family, the financial burden of having four kids in college within a five-year span could have derailed the twins’ plans—until they came to McPherson College to participate in the Student Debt Project. As sophomores this year, Jake and Jared are balancing hectic class and co-curricular schedules with part-time work. They haven’t taken out any student loans—and don’t plan to—because each expects to graduate with zero student debt.

College-ready families I talk with have serious angst about student loan debt. They’re worried about paying for college, and worried they—or their kids—will still be paying off that debt years after the diploma is earned. That’s why we’ve made debt reduction an overarching mission for McPherson College. We’ve found a way to make college affordable by combining financial literacy education, jobs, mentorships and matching dollars to create a track for students to graduate with little or no debt.

The need couldn’t be more urgent. Nationwide, student loan debt is at an all-time high of nearly $1.6 trillion—second only to mortgage debt. Some 371,000 Kansans collectively owe more than $11.5 billion in federal student loans. In fact, among all Kansas graduates in the class of 2018, nearly 60 percent of them graduated with debt.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Debt-Free Independence
With job placement assistance provided by the college, those in our Student Debt Project are working part-time jobs and paying down their debt before they graduate. McPherson College matches a percentage of every dollar students contribute to their education.

Dedicated community mentors support our students as they balance work, education and life during their college years. Every student manages a custom budget and works through paying for their education while they are in school by honing their financial management skills. The Student Debt Project is instilling a sense of financial independence that will impact a student for life.

Freshman Zaya Carson of Des Moines hopes to become a doctor and genetic research scientist. She knows it means years of education ahead of her—and could mean staggering student debt. Zaya applied to much larger schools before deciding on McPherson College. She recognized the monthly mentoring provided personalized support she wouldn’t receive at a larger school. For Zaya, the program has been far more than a debt-free way to earn her bachelor’s degree in biochemistry. It’s also been a significant confidence builder as she prepares to start her career in a very competitive job market.

The Future Track
There’s a myth that students who attend private colleges accrue more debt than their public university peers. But it’s not true nationally, and especially not true here in Kansas. In fact, McPherson College students graduate with no more debt than students from Kansas’ public universities. And that average debt is less than the price of a Honda Accord.

Further, over 80 percent of McPherson College students finish their degree in four years, compared to only 66 percent of Kansas’ public university students. That means our graduates are already out in the workforce earning a living, while their friends at public universities are still working on their degrees.

Kylee Martin of Goodland was one of the first to participate in the Student Debt Project. She had looked at larger schools and had qualified for more than $40,000 in student loans. Though tempted to take the money, she didn’t want to be saddled with that debt. She had her sights set on owning a home and one day starting her own business.

Kylee put herself on the debt-free track to achieve her goals. In May, she’ll complete her bachelor’s degree—and graduate with significantly less student debt than she expected. And by applying the principles she learned and practiced while in the Student Debt Project, Kylee is on track to achieving her future goals.

Without the burden of student debt, I can’t wait to see what Kylee – and the rest of our Student Debt Project graduates – will accomplish next.

As the president of a small college that competes with state-run and for-profit schools, I’m often asked the question: Should small colleges exist? My answer is, absolutely! The Student Debt Project is just one of the many reasons why.

McPherson College developed the Student Debt Project because it’s good for families, good for Kansas, and good for the nation’s economy. If colleges really want to prepare students to achieve their best lives after graduation, they should start by putting students on the right track for future financial independence.

For McPherson College, that starts by helping students graduate with little – to zero – student debt.

McPherson College President Elected to National Board

Michael Schneider, president of McPherson College, was elected to a three-year term to the Board of Directors for the National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities (NAICU). He will represent Region VII, which includes Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota. President Schneider was elected at the close of the 2020 NAICU Annual Meeting and Advocacy Day held in Washington, D.C. last week.

“NAICU does extraordinary work for private colleges and I am honored to serve,” said Schneider. “I am excited to advocate for the hundreds of mission driven colleges and universities that educate many of our nation’s best students.”

President Schneider has served McPherson College in a number of key positions since 2002 helping spearhead increased giving to the college and enrollment numbers. The college appointed him president in 2009, at the time he was the youngest college president in the United States. He is a graduate of McPherson College and earned an MBA from the University of Denver and a doctorate from the University of Pennsylvania. Prior to returning to McPherson College, he ran a publishing company and supported a range of start-ups from information technology to green energy.

Today, he is passionate about lifting up liberal arts through an entrepreneurial mindset that sparks the interest and imagination of the entire campus. The college’s strategic plan, Community by Design, changed the way the campus plans for the future. The plan, created by the entire campus, focuses on creative initiatives like The Student Debt Project, which partners with students to eliminate student loan debt. Under his leadership, McPherson College has been named in the Chronicle of Higher Education on the list of “Great Colleges to Work For” for the past five years.

As a NAICU board member, President Schneider will help set the association’s agenda on federal higher education policy, actively encourage support for the association’s priorities and initiatives, and oversee the organization’s financial administration. As part of his service, President Schneider will be a member of the board’s student aid committee, which is spearheading work to enhance the federal Pell Grant program.

With more than 1,000 colleges, universities, and associations as members, NAICU serves as the unified national voice of independent higher education and reflects the diversity of private, nonprofit higher education in the United States. Member institutions include major research universities, church-related colleges, historically black colleges, art and design colleges, traditional liberal arts and science institutions, women’s colleges, two-year colleges, and schools of law, medicine, engineering, business and other professions.