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McPherson College Expecting Success On Fundraising, Budget, Recruitment

McPherson College is expecting the numbers to show that 2014-2015 was a great year in terms of fundraising and enrollment.

“I’m proud of the work of our faculty and staff this last year,” said President Michael Schneider. “It is no secret that things are tough in higher education. Our team has done a great job serving students and ensuring McPherson College has a place as one of Kansas’s best colleges.”

Dr. Steven Gustafson, vice president for advancement, said that the college’s fundraising exceeded the fiscal-year-end annual fund goal of $1.35 million. Most of those dollars go to support student scholarships. MC also has the largest endowment of any private college in Kansas, he said.

“McPherson College has a solid track record of raising money so that MC is accessible and affordable to this generation of college students,” Dr. Gustafson said. “It’s important for our students to have the opportunity to receive an MC values-centered education. Most importantly, this news means our alumni and friends are passionate about their college and willing to support it with their financial resources.”

Rick Tuxhorn, vice president for finance, said that successful fundraising is a significant factor in helping the college to maintain a balanced budget and keep the cost of education to students affordable. Tuxhorn said many students attend McPherson College at the same cost as at a state institution. In addition to fundraising, Tuxhorn praised all of the college’s faculty and staff for watching their budgetary spending.

“The thanks goes to our alumni and donors for meeting the gift goals,” he said, “as well as our employees for being good stewards of our resources.”

McPherson College has a perfect financial rating (3.0 on a zero to 3.0 scale) from the Department of Education for the last fiscal year, according to Tuxhorn.

It was also a great year in terms of recruiting new students for McPherson College.

Christi Hopkins, vice president for enrollment management, said that the college is anticipating more than 200 first-time, full-time freshmen arriving this fall, which exceeds the department’s goal of 195 students. While that data will be confirmed and verified on the 20th day of classes, the preliminary figures would point to the largest incoming class in the last 40 years, Hopkins said.

McPherson College officials also expect retention of returning students to be up as well. According to Hopkins, the admissions department also had a record number of students visit campus and apply last year.

“These numbers are especially remarkable when considering that six of the admissions and financial aid staff are new since August 2014,” Hopkins said.

Hopkins also attributes the success to the college’s academic departments who have contributed significantly to the recruiting efforts. She said everyone at MC engages students to attract them to campus.

“The success we anticipate comes from the hard work of the entire campus community,” she said, “specifically faculty, coaches, the admissions team and the many other staff people who visit with students and have a part in their arrival in the fall.”

May 2015 Update

Karlene Tyler

Karlene Tyler, Alumni Director

Another school year almost ended! I can’t believe I have been in this office for almost a whole academic year. It is such a different McPherson College experience for me after 35 years in academic endeavors. However, I have enjoyed immensely my work this year with all of you. Dr. Clary has generously invited me to again participate in commencement this coming Sunday. However, instead of handing out diplomas and reading the graduates’ names I will be welcoming graduates into the Alumni Association. What an honor…

This year I have been able to travel across the nation and beyond, to Europe, and visit with many of you at alumni gatherings. To be able to reconnect with old friends and young alums has been great. And, thank you to all who contributed to the Power Day event! Dave and I had such fun seeing all of the comments we got about our “picture show.” You all have been generous with your support for students and the institution.

And, now looking ahead I want to let you know what we have planned for next year.

  • June 29 – Nampa, Idaho  Alumni Event
  • July 11-15 – Annual Conference in Tampa, Florida
    I hope to see many of you at the McPherson Alumni Luncheon. The college is underwriting more than 50% of the cost in order to make it more affordable for all to attend. The cost will be only $10 each.
  • September 7-11 National Older Adult Conference in Lake Junaluska, North Carolina
  • Late September – Colorado Alumni event
  • October 9-11 Homecoming 2015 (Watch for a post card with schedule and online registration.)
  • Late October – Camp Swatara Alumni Event
  • January of 2016 – Phoenix area Alumni Event

12th Annual Pat Noyes Golf Experience and Auction

Saturday, June 6, 2015 • Turkey Creek Golf Course, McPherson, KS. 4-Person Scramble Golf Tournament followed by lunch and Auction.

See event details


March 2015 Update

The past week has been busy and fun! We have had meetings, service awards, and special recognitions.

Thursday, March 5
Service Award Dinner recognized 19 faculty and staff for their years of service to McPherson College. There were also 4 Trustees who were recognized for their years of service to the institution

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Friday, March 6
An Evening of Recognition was held at The Cedars Wellness and Conference Center where donors to the college were recognized. Three alumni were presented with the Citation of Merit Award, the highest honor given to alums by the college. The alumni honored were Dr. Jean Lichty Hendricks ‘69, Larry Martin ’70, and Roberta Strickler ’70.

The theatre production concluded it’s run of ‘On the Verge, or the Geography of Yearning‘ on Friday and Saturday.

Friday also saw a guest lecture by Eric Stearns, professor of art from Doane College and Laughter is Sacred Space presented by Ted Swartz of Ted and Co. Swartz, David Radcliff and Mutual Kumquat were special guests of the Regional Youth Conference during the weekend.

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Saturday, March 7
The Board of Trustees Spring Meeting concluded at noon, and the Alumni Board met from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm. The Alumni Board is working on a structure to offer transportation to the Wichita Airport for students at the beginning and end of each academic year, as well as breaks during the school year.

The Board is also working with Katie Sawyer, the Director of Career Services, to refine the network of alumni who can help with job searches and internship opportunities. If you are interested please contact Katie Sawyer [email protected]

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Sunday, March 8
The final event of the weekend was the Mohler Lecture with Dr. Katherine Melhorn ’77 who presented  ‘Child Abuse and Neglect: Do we have the Evidence and Courage We Need to Make a Difference?’


Citation of Merit Recipients Awarded at Friday Dinner

On Friday March 6, 2015, McPherson College honored its Citation of Merit recipients for 2015, all of whom have shown their care for – and service to – the world around them: as a pastor, as a university leader and as an advocate for the disadvantaged in the courtroom.

The McPherson College Citation of Merit, the college’s highest award, is given to the college’s most distinguished alumni for lifetime accomplishments in service to profession, community, church and to McPherson College. The recipients are recommended by the Alumni Awards Committee and approved by the College Board of Trustees.

This year’s recipients are Dr. Jean Lichty Hendricks, Larry Martin, and Roberta Strickler. Congratulations to these outstanding alumni! Photo gallery of ceremony.


Dr. Jean Lichty Hendricks ’69

Jean demonstrates what it means for liberal arts graduates to be “well-rounded.” She’s fluent in German and studying French; an advocate for women and church pastor; and a talented pianist and committed volunteer for church, community and college.

Jean taught for four and a half years after graduating from MC, then earned a Master of Divinity degree along with her husband, Francis, from Bethany Theological Seminary. They entered the ministry together, serving as co-pastors in Sheldon, Iowa. Jean continued on to become minister of nurture at the Wichita Church of the Brethren.

She’s served the church in a number of other leadership roles – moderator, teacher, district committee member, Brethren Ministers Association officer, and member of the Bethany Seminary Board, to name a few.  Prior to retirement, she served seven years as president and general manager of the Mutual Aid Association for the Church of the Brethren, and still serves on the church’s District Ministry Commission.

She also worked for McPherson College as the Director of Church Relations and in several volunteer roles, including member of the alumni board nominating committee, member of task forces for area college events, and even a community member in the college’s revitalized band – playing clarinet.

Jean and Francis now make their permanent home in McPherson, and Hendricks said she sees exciting challenges ahead.

“I very much appreciate this honor from my alma mater,” Hendricks said. “Hopefully my feelings of being very undeserving will be overshadowed by a motivation for the next years of life.”

Larry Martin ’70

Larry graduated from MC with a major in sociology, then went on to work for R.T.P., Inc. Here, he consulted to the New York State Urban Development Corporation, which is the largest builder of low and middle income housing in the United States. His work involved traveling to locations in Central New York to ensure they followed state regulations.

In 1977, he served on a task force that spearheaded the construction of Syracuse University’s Carrier Dome. From there, he moved into the advancement department of Syracuse, where he helped lead capital campaigns, worked with alumni and organized programming.

In 1986, he led an effort to give Syracuse a West Coast presence, including opportunities for communication and drama students to experience Hollywood behind the scenes. This led to him working closely with the CEOs of Warner Brothers, Universal Studios and Paramount Studios, as well as such Hollywood celebrities as Dick Clark, actor Peter Falk, and director Spike Lee.

In 1995, Syracuse University employed him as Executive Director of Program Development. His effective leadership and program enhancements in the area have culminated in the university naming him as vice president of program development in 2012.

Martin credited McPherson College as a main source of his success in his career.

“McPherson College gave me an opportunity and prepared me well for both my professional and personal life and I met a number of great friends along the way,” he said. “I have exceeded my wildest dreams and am proud to say I have not taken advantage of nor betrayed another individual to achieve success.”

Roberta Strickler ’70

Roberta graduated from McPherson College with a degree in history, following an active college career that included working on the “Spectator” – MC’s student newspaper – and recognition as a member of Phi Alpha Theta – the history honor society.

Not long after graduation, she was a research assistant at the Council for Community Services of Metropolitan Chicago, working on a project to create a health information and referral service.

Strickler went on to earn her law degree from Northwestern University and then joined the Chicago firm Monahen & Cohen. She specialized in helping disabled adults with probate, estate and trust services and in so doing helped a population in particular need of assistance. She continued her legal career as an attorney-at-law in her current home of Baltimore, Md.

She also went into real estate management of residential and office properties in 1979 and continues to do so to this day in her retirement.

As important as her professional career, however, has been her service in her personal life. For a decade she served in a number of roles for the Parents Association for the Park School of Baltimore, including a term as president and a member of the Board of Trustees.

Also, as a master gardener with the University of Maryland Extension and a board member of the Mt. Washington Improvement Association and Baltimore Green Space, she has consistently advocated for more open, natural and greener space in her community.

Roberta currently serves on the college’s Board of Trustees, as well as a number of other service roles to the college, such as the National Alumni Committee and as co-chair of the Eastern Region Enhancing the Legacy Campaign in 2002, which put the college on the firm financial ground it continues to hold today.

“It was an honor to receive the Citation,” she said. “I look forward to returning to campus in the future.”



Interterm Recap, Spring Update

Karlene Tyler

Karlene Tyler, Alumni Director

I just returned from the choir and band tour through Poland, Czech Republic, Austria, and Germany. What an awesome experience! And, I am speaking for myself, but also on behalf of everyone on the trip. We toured Auschwitz at Krakow, walked over the St. Charles Bridge in Prague, toured Mozart’s birthplace in Salzburg, and toured the Fuggerei in Augsburg, Germany. Besides seeing these historic places the students performed at universities, town halls, churches, cathedrals, and walked, walked, walked. For a much more detailed summary of the trip please read the blog on our website, authored by students.

I also want to alert you surfers that we are coming to California this weekend! There are alumni gatherings at the University of Laverne on Sunday, February 8 and in San Diego on February 9. If you missed your invitation or missed RSVP call now and we will still get you in. The rest of the area alumni gatherings are outlined in the Review that you should be receiving soon. Besides California, we will be hosting events in February in the McPherson area, in the Lawrence and Topeka area in March, and Iowa in April. Look for your invitations to arrive about 2-3 weeks ahead of the event.

A special treat for those of you in the Kansas City area. Our alumni gathering there will feature a puppet show by our own Mike Horner at the Nelson-Atkins Art Gallery. The event is planned for Sunday, March 22 at 2:00 pm. More details later.

And finally, this is still early, but for you COB folks, we are going to reinstitute the McPherson College luncheon at Annual Conference this summer in Tampa, Florida! There will be more details to come, but wanted to let you know that we heard you and will host a luncheon as the rest of the COB colleges and universities.

Holiday Greetings from the McPherson College Alumni Department!

Karlene Tyler

Karlene Tyler

I have been on the road hosting Alumni Gatherings, and so far we have had seven events; Hutchinson, Salina, Chicago, Wichita, South Bend, IN, North Manchester, IN, plus the “Power the Future” campaign launch. Each event gives alumni opportunities to share memories from their days at Mac and connect with other alums who they have not met! At one meeting a gentleman came who had not been in communication with McPherson for 45 years. It was so good to meet him and hear his story. One underlying theme that I have the privilege to hear is that the years spent at McPherson College has helped transform lives.

As 2014 approaches its ending, I am looking forward to a couple of weeks of rest, and then I will be off with the music students and professors for Eastern Europe. We will be in Poland, The Czech Republic, Austria, and Germany, presenting concerts and touring! Then beginning in February I will again be hosting alumni gatherings in California, McPherson area, Kansas City, Topeka, Lawrence, Idaho, and Iowa. So, I hope to see some of you at those events. Keep your eyes open for your invitation!

Have a Wonderful Holiday Season!

Please enjoy our McPherson College Singers version of “Do You Hear What I Hear?”

Homecoming 2014 Recap

Thank you to all students, faculty, staff, alumni and friends who attended and made this year so special! We had beautiful weather, fantastic entertainment, a sweep in Bulldog athletics and wonderful alumni honorees. Enjoy these photos of the weekend’s activities.

Flory Lecturer Sunday at McPherson College Features Alumna Vincette Goerl

The guest presenter at this year’s Flory Lecture in Public Policy is a McPherson College alumna who has had a profound influence during her career on the federal government itself.

Vincette Goerl, a 1971 graduate in history and politics, will present “Public Policy – Who Cares and Why Care” at 4 p.m., Sunday, Nov. 2 at the McPherson Church of the Brethren, 200 N. Carrie. St. in McPherson. Goerl has a 41-year career in Federal financial and budget management positions.

Following graduation from McPherson College, Goerl chose to move to the East Coast, working as a clerk in the U.S. Navy. She soon moved on as a budget analyst in the then-new Environmental Protection Agency. That led to a series of financial management positions, culminating with her selection to serve on the financial management team for Vice-President Al Gore’s National Performance Review in 1993 – an initiative to make the federal government more efficient and cost less. It marked some of the first analysis on how to use technology to improve communication and information sharing in government.

“All those things that we take as a given today were brand new,” Goerl said.

From there, she went on to become the first chief financial officer at the U.S. Customs Services in 1994, and was in charge of an annual budget of $5 billion – quickly reforming the organization to earn its first clean financial audit. She also served as the first chief financial officer at the U.S. Forest Service, before retiring in 2001.

Today, Goerl is the president of Goerl Consulting, LLC, where she provides advice and counsel to Federal executives. She is a Fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration and also serves as a chief financial officer of Strategic Advisors to Government Executives – or SAGE – a Partnership for Public Service program that provides advice and counsel to chief financial officers across the Federal Government.

She also devotes time to a variety of non-profit organizations where she has served in board and leadership positions. She has been a strong supporter of women’s issues – serving as Chair of the Virginia Business and Professional Women’s Foundation and as president of BPW-Virginia, where she supported issues including helping women re-entering the workforce, workplace equality and fair pay, and raising awareness of domestic violence against women.

“I felt a responsibility to be a mentor,” she said. “To be a leader in those kind of ways where I could be helpful.”

She’s also given back to McPherson College with commitments of both money and time – she is a current member on the college’s Board of Trustees, and has served on the board previously for more than a decade, including serving as chair.

The Raymond and Rowena Flory Lectureship in Public Policy was established at McPherson College by former Flory students Dean Coughenour and Howard Mehlinger in recognition of long-time McPherson residents Dr. Raymond Flory and Mrs. Rowena Frantz Flory.  Raymond, who passed away in November 2002, was affiliated with McPherson College for 50 years as an administrator and professor of history and politics.  Rowena continues to reside in McPherson.  The lectureship is designed to stimulate dialogue on a public policy issue relevant to the McPherson College community, the city of McPherson, and the surrounding area. Goerl was, herself, recruited to attend McPherson College by Dr. Flory.

For those unable to attend in person, the lecture will also be available live via the internet at The lecture is free and the public is invited and encouraged to attend.

Young Alumni Awards Presentation

McPherson College honored three of its outstanding young alumni Friday, Oct. 17, 2014 during its annual Honors Convocation. Carolyn Masterson ’84, Carine Ullom ’84 and Barry McMillan ’94 received the honor, which recognizes accomplished MC alumni who have graduated within approximately the last 30 years.