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McPherson College Hosts Body Venture Exhibit

Body Venture exhibit

More than 200 third grade students from McPherson County toured an interactive exhibit of the body at McPherson College on December 12, making stops at places like the mouth, stomach, intestine, muscle, and skin.

The Teacher Education program at McPherson College hosted the Body Venture exhibit and students from the program led sessions in each of the 12 stations throughout the exhibit.

“It takes a lot of volunteers to host this event and what better volunteers to do it than future teachers?” Vicki Schmidt, assistant professor of teacher education, said. “It is a great opportunity for our students to practice their teaching skills and be part of something worthwhile that the younger students will remember forever.”

Body Venture is an educational exhibit for students in grades K-5 sponsored by Child Nutrition & Wellness of the Kansas State Department of Education. Body Venture is about learning the importance of making healthy food choices and being physically active. The exhibit, a 45-foot by 50-foot representation of the human body, puts students inside a tour of the body with engaging and experiential educational activities.

It is the first time in several years that the exhibit has been in McPherson, according to Schmidt. She was familiar with it because students from the teacher education program traveled to Salina elementary schools for the past several years to volunteer at exhibits there.

“It is a very dynamic exhibit that presents important information to students in a way that is fun, and it is the perfect experience for our students to build confidence in teaching,” Schmidt said. “After participating in this, I hear many of our students comment that they can’t wait to be a teacher.”

The McPherson County Community Foundation provided funds to help keep the exhibit free to the students who attended. Schmidt said she already has the exhibit booked for next year.

McPherson College Announces Director of New Healthcare Programs

Matthew Bogner

McPherson College announces Matthew Bogner will lead its new healthcare degree program as assistant professor of health sciences and director of health science programs. Bogner, a doctor of health administration, is CEO of KMH (formerly Kansas Masonic Home) in Wichita.

“Matthew brings a great deal of experience and passion to this new position,” President Michael Schneider said. “His knowledge and leadership capabilities will help establish this program as a new model for training rural health professionals.”

In August, the college and McPherson Hospital announced they would collaborate to provide opportunities for students in the new academic program. More recently, the college announced that it had received a $1 million gift to support the new program and allow the college to offer ten $25,000 scholarships next fall for students committed to community health.

The new health care program focuses on creating health-related career pathways for students while engaging them in the community. Every student will participate in multiple field experiences or rotations, and McPherson Health Science Scholars will work on signature outreach projects that address health-related issues in the community.

“I am very excited about my position and the new community health care initiative at McPherson College,” Bogner said. “The unique partnership with McPherson Hospital along with the academic opportunities in health science and healthcare management provide a structured discernment process that allows students to become familiar with multiple career pathways and gain a variety of experiences.”

Bogner’s own broad career experience covers a wide range of health care areas. He joined KMH in 2008 as its chief operating officer and was named CEO in 2011. KMH is a non-profit continuing care community with more than 200 employees and 227 units. As CEO, Bogner led a strategic planning process that resulted in repositioning the 120-year old organization, including campus-wide renovation, expansion, rebranding, and a $33 million bond issue. Prior to joining KMH, he was the administrator of Newton Presbyterian Manor in Newton, Kansas.

He also has a background in community health as an epidemiologist for the Sedgwick County Health Department where he was responsible for surveillance, investigation, and evaluation of regional reportable diseases and conditions. Additionally, he worked as a case manager for the Mental Health Association in Wichita where he assisted families of children with emotional disorders and physical disabilities to access community resources. Bogner also has experience in higher education as an adjunct professor at Baker University where he taught a course on hospital management.

Nobody wants to be a teacher today. We have to change that.

Teacher Education student

By Michael Schneider, President
McPherson College

Learn more about the Teacher Education department and the combined B.S./M.Ed. program at McPherson College.

Katie Grose is a second-generation band teacher from Jefferson West High School in northeast Kansas. I heard her story last spring when she was at McPherson College supporting our band program. Her dad was a band teacher and so is her brother. A few years ago, Katie had reservations when her daughter wanted to carry on the family tradition and go into teaching.

The sad fact is, nobody wants to be a teacher anymore. It’s especially true for young people trying to figure out what they want to be when they grow up. Becoming a teacher isn’t even on their list. It’s not on their parents’ list, either. When polled in 2018, 54 percent of parents nationwide said they did not want their child to become a teacher. Even educators themselves have been advising young people not to enter the profession.

As students headed back to school this fall, Kansas school districts continued to face a teacher shortage of epic proportion. Multiple school districts started classes without the full complement of teachers they needed, and some districts had literally no applicants for open positions this year—particularly in elementary and special education.

From Hutchinson to Meade to the suburbs of Topeka and Kansas City, district superintendents contend that teacher recruitment is more challenging today than at any time in the last two decades. And the recent report on teacher openings by the Kansas State Board of Education confirmed that teaching vacancies are up 27 percent over last year. The Kansas school year started with 815 open teaching positions. Considering the last 20 years of political hostility toward teachers, it’s not hard to figure out why.

It doesn’t get much clearer—kids in Kansas don’t want to be teachers. We have to change that.

Two years ago, with the teacher shortage making headlines and the number of teacher education graduates remaining flat, McPherson College developed solutions to address the problem. We started with the launch of an accelerated teacher education program, which includes an innovative curriculum that gets teacher education graduates into school districts faster and at a higher rate of pay.

Under our program, students can earn a combined bachelor’s and master’s degree in just four years. In addition, our program has endorsements in special education and English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), which are both important needs in Kansas schools. This program saves students thousands of dollars. And—because teacher salaries are generally based on the highest level of education obtained—first-year teachers from our accelerated program typically earn a higher starting salary than first-year teachers with only a bachelor’s degree.

We’ve also launched EdChat, an annual event for high school students interested in becoming teachers. In the last two years over 100 students participated in workshops on the latest trends in elementary and secondary education, gaining insights from national and state experts.

The feedback from our EdChat events is encouraging. Participants tell us they’ve gone home fueled with new ideas and eager to earn their education degree. They look forward to having classrooms of their own one day and can’t wait to start their careers.

These steps by McPherson College are just the beginning. There’s a lot more we can do as a college (and collectively) to get kids excited about becoming teachers.  Twenty years of political squabbling forced an entire generation of Kansas students to grow up thinking that becoming a teacher was a bad idea. Thankfully, the battles over school funding are civil these days, and now maybe we all can move forward with respect and appreciation for teachers so they can focus on learning in their classrooms rather than defending their life’s work.

At McPherson College, we’re changing the conversation about teachers and promoting the idea that teaching is a rewarding career path. We hope you’ll add your voice to this conversation.

Luckily, Katie Grose’s daughter decided to become a teacher and is the third generation of her family to direct bands in the state of Kansas. Let’s do more so that Katie’s grandkids will want to be teachers too—because when kids don’t want to become teachers, it’s the adults who have failed. We can’t afford to fail.


Learn more about the Teacher Education department and the combined B.S./M.Ed. program at McPherson College.

McPherson College Receives $1 Million For New Rural Health Program

healthcare program gift announcement

A $1 million gift will help McPherson College fund a new community health care initiative, including ten $25,000 scholarships for students committed to community health. Introduced last month in partnership with McPherson Hospital, the initiative features a new enhanced health science degree at the college paired with a wide variety of hands-on educational opportunities developed through the hospital and opportunities for community outreach programs.

“This is an ambitious project with a goal of improving health in our community and becoming a new model for rural health across the state,” McPherson College President Michael Schneider said. “The gift enables us to move forward with the academic aspects of the initiative as well as community outreach opportunities that will provide hands-on experience for student discernment and much-needed services for our community. Although the donor wishes to remain anonymous, the donor is a long-time supporter of McPherson College and advocate of health care initiatives that support our youth, older adults and those who struggle with mental health challenges.”

The new health care programs are focused on creating health-related career pathways for students while engaging them in the community. Every student will participate in multiple field experiences or rotations, and McPherson Health Science Scholars will be matched with signature outreach being developed to solve issues in the community. In addition, a needs capacity survey of all the health-related opportunities available for students will be distributed to understand the broad health care needs in McPherson and the surrounding area.

“Having practiced medicine in a rural community for more than 25 years, I am excited for the opportunities this program will afford not only the students but the communities impacted by their service,” U.S. Congressman Roger Marshall said. “I applaud McPherson College, and its supporters, for identifying and reacting to the need for qualified health care professionals.”

Kansas is among states with the highest numbers of rural hospitals and greatest shortage of health care professionals of all types, according to the National Rural Health Association. Additionally, according to the Kansas Hospital Association, more than 25 percent of the state’s population lives in rural areas.

“We are looking at this from a holistic approach to health care in rural communities,” President Schneider said. “This initiative is considering everything from mentoring youth to supporting our elderly citizens. It also includes solving our challenges to provide good mental health support and treatment for all. It puts our students in the community working with support from McPherson Hospital to solve our biggest challenges.”

The curriculum for the new degree will begin in the fall of 2020. The degree is designed for students who want to study in the field of health science (allied health) and healthcare management with tracks in community and public health, and social and behavioral science while participating in outstanding field experiences, which allow them to give back to the community. For more information about the community health degree, please contact McPherson College admissions at [email protected].

McPherson College Encourages Students to Become Teachers

Jerri Kemble speaks at EdChat 2019

This year marks a time in public education like no other, Jerri Kemble, assistant superintendent of Lawrence schools, told high school students attending McPherson College’s “EdChat,” a day-long seminar to encourage and support students who want to become teachers.

According to Kemble, this year marks the first time that half of the students in elementary schools are members of Generation Alpha, children of Millennials born between 2010 and 2014. Generation Alpha is the first generation to grow up never knowing a time before smartphones or artificial intelligence such as Alexa or Siri.

“This is a generation that has always had technology,” she said. “Many of them knew how to use an iPad even before they were potty-trained. Growing up in a generation with lots of technology brings amazing opportunities but there are also many challenges like artificial intelligence, work-force shifts, environmental issues, and social inequalities. Teachers are going to need to teach differently and empower this generation to solve problems. It will be a monumental task for teachers.”

Although the challenges are great, the rewards of being a teacher are even greater, Kemble said in her keynote address to the students. In her current role, Kemble oversees educational programs and technology for USD 497. She spoke to the students about many times over her 30-year career she was able to make a difference in the lives of students. As a principal and superintendent of a small rural school district in 2007, she created the Kansas Online Learning Program. Because of her innovation, the White House invited her take part in a meeting on technology and virtual learning.

“This generation of high school and college students are passionate about making a difference,” Kemble said. “Programs like EdChat are so important to help students make a decision about becoming a teacher and to see that it really is an exciting time to teach especially with all the technology that can help teachers connect with each other and with experts who can push us to the next level.”

Kemble was among several educators that led workshops throughout the day for the students. High school students gained perspective on topics such as equity centered design teaching, cooperative learning, and special education. Educators taking part in the workshops included Erica Shook, McPherson High School; Jericho Johnson, Heusner Elementary in Salina; Kristi Weiss and Lynette Cross from the KICA Special Education Program. Current McPherson College students also talked about what it is like being a student teacher.

“Events like EdChat are important because students get a real perspective on what it is like to be an educator,” Johnson, a third grade teacher said. “I tell them it is a wild but amazing ride. No one else can say they get to teach the future of our world.”

The McPherson College Department of Teacher Education has hosted more than 100 students from high schools across the state at its “EdChat” events over the past three years.

McPherson College Teams With McPherson Hospital to Offer New Model for Rural Health Care

Health Care Initiative launch

An initiative introduced by McPherson College and McPherson Hospital with a focus on community health sets out to become a new model for community health care in rural areas.  It features a new enhanced health science degree at the college with a wide variety of hands-on educational opportunities thanks to a partnership with the hospital.

Working together toward healthier communities is the goal of the partnership. The partnership will provide opportunities for student learning and community outreach with the intent to create a new model for rural community health in Kansas. There is more to a healthy community than just treating people who are sick, explained McPherson College President Michael Schneider.

“We are looking at this from a holistic, patient-centered approach to health care in rural communities,” President Schneider said. “In small communities, you need to be resourceful uncovering ways to build a healthy community. It includes everything from mentoring at-risk youth to making sure our elderly citizens are safe when they return home from a hospital stay. It also includes solving our challenges to provide good mental health support and treatment for all. This partnership will put our students out in the community working with support from McPherson Hospital to solve these challenges.”

The new degree and partnership was announced August 29 at McPherson College where Rep. Roger Marshall, M.D., spoke about the importance of working together to support rural health.

“Health care, like many industries in Kansas, struggles to find qualified employees,” said U.S. Congressman Marshall. “I served as an OBGYN for more than 25 years and understand the need to find and retain hardworking, qualified medical staff. Partnerships and educational opportunities like the one announced today are an important step in meeting the health care needs of all Kansans and creating educational opportunities for those who want to live and work in rural America.”

The joint initiative aligns the college and hospital to provide students access to its facility resources and people for internships, field experiences, observation, and clinicals. The cooperating effort offers students opportunities for real-world experiences in all aspects of health care delivery, and develops a workforce pipeline for the hospital and other health care agencies across the state as students graduate from the new program. One of the first efforts the new initiative will pursue is a survey of all the health related opportunities available for students in Central Kansas.

“The delivery of health care and the needs of consumers have changed dramatically over the years and are likely to continue,” Terri Gehring McPherson Hospital president and CEO, said. “By combining our resources, talents and expertise we have the opportunity to accomplish so much more than we can individually to address these needs.”

President Schneider add, “Our organizations face similar challenges. This partnership allows us to work together with common goals. The primary focus of the college is creating pathways to careers in community health for our students. By working with the hospital, we also have the ability to provide signature outreach programs for some of the most vulnerable populations of any community, such as at-risk youth and the elderly.”

Last year, the college conducted an environmental analysis that included community focus groups with more than 60 area health professionals and community leaders participating. The research uncovered opportunities for developing an enhanced health science degree focused on health careers as well as support for a college and hospital partnership.

“The concept of partnering makes a lot of sense,” John Worden, chief operating officer at the hospital, said. “It became clear as we discussed the possibilities that we can unite and work together in a way that improves the health care delivery model and provides educational opportunities for students.”

Over the next 10 years the U.S. Department of Labor projects a 10-20 percent growth in careers related to community health. In Kansas, community health careers in telemedicine, telehealth, behavioral health, health care administration and community health planning are in high demand. Locally, a Community Health Needs Assessment, conducted annually by the hospital, prioritized the need for more mental health resources and services.

Kansas is among states with the highest number of rural hospitals and greatest shortage of health care professionals of all types, according to the National Rural Health Association. Additionally, according to the Kansas Hospital Association, more than 25 percent of the state’s population lives in rural areas.

“In the focus groups, we observed amazing community support for both the college and hospital,” Gehring said. “Participants were excited about the potential partnership and asked how they could help. This reinforced why McPherson is such a great community. We work together with a shared vision of success.”

Curriculum for the new degree will be offered beginning in the fall of 2020. The degree is designed for students who want to study in the field of health care while participating in outstanding internship opportunities which allow them to give back to the community. For more information about the community health degree program, please contact McPherson College admissions at [email protected].

McPherson College Reports Record Enrollment

Incoming class of 23 photo

McPherson College welcomed its largest incoming class to campus when fall semester classes began on August 20, continuing its upward enrollment trend established over the past five years. With 316 new freshmen and transfer students, it is the largest class in school history. As classes get underway, full-time equivalent enrollment is up to 840.

“This is a milestone for McPherson College and two years ahead of the goals we set in our strategic plan, Community By Design,” President Michael Schneider said. “While many wonder whether or not a small college should exist, this one is attracting and retaining students.”

According to Ruffalo Noel Levitz, an enrollment management firm that surveyed 63 private higher education institutions in the Midwest, average enrollment is down three percent.

“We know families question whether they can afford to send their children to college. McPherson College is showing students how it is possible to graduate with no student loan debt and it is attracting their attention,”President Schneider said.

The McPherson College Student Debt Project is a unique program that aims at helping students graduate with no student loan debt. The project focuses on financial literacy and mentoring, as well as starting financial discipline that can be used throughout life. In addition, students in the program make a commitment to work during college and the college matches a portion of their earnings.

“When you add the Student Debt Project to our success placing graduates in jobs, students and families are seeing that McPherson College is the best choice,” President Schneider said. “Our faculty care about what happens to our students after they graduate. We are proud that nearly every student is working in their field or enrolled in graduate school.”

Focus on career education and experiential learning is spread throughout the McPherson College curriculum, resulting in 98 percent of its graduates in careers within six months of graduation. Two-thirds reported having a job before they graduated.

The success at McPherson College is no accident. This is evident as the college has been recognized for the past four years by the Chronicle of Higher Education as one of its “Great Colleges to Work For,” and has been included among institutions meeting the highest criteria on the list’s honor roll for three years. Last year, McPherson College was the only Kansas school included on the list.

McPherson College Student Receives Statewide Scholarship

MC student Kento AizawaKento Aizawa was recognized by the Kansas Independent College Foundation (KICF) for his excellence in academics, character and integrity, along with his commitment to the value of a private college education in Kansas. He was among 20 students from private colleges across the state to receive the Maud Wyatt Recognition Scholarship presented by KICF.

Aizawa, who is from McPherson, is a senior at McPherson College majoring in math. He hopes to work as an actuary after graduating; he has been working as an actuarial intern at Farmers Alliance Insurance Company since 2018. Recipients of the scholarship are full-time, degree seeking students on the cusp of graduation who maintain GPAs of 3.5 or above and contribute to their communities.

Along with being a top student, Aizawa is an acclaimed student musician. He plays clarinet in the McPherson College Band and has performed with several other local and regional bands. In high school he played with the Wichita Youth Symphony, and as a sophomore at McPherson College won the Newton Mid-Kansas Symphony Orchestra’s Young Soloists Competition. Last year, he auditioned for and received a permanent position with the Salina Symphony. He also tries to pass on his love of music to younger generations by volunteering at the McPherson Middle School.

“I like helping the band students get better by helping them understand what they are playing. It makes it more enjoyable,” he said. “I pursued this because as a child I didn’t have a lot of money to pay for lessons. This is my way of giving back – paying it forward.”

McPherson College Professors Display Art In Wichita Gallery

Sprechen Sie Woman exhibit

McPherson College professors, Michaela Valli-Groeblacher and Kim Stanley, combined their talents for a gallery show currently on exhibition at The Fiber Studio in Wichita. The exhibit features life-size female figures in clay by Valli-Groeblacher accompanied by poems written by Stanley.

A reception and artist discussion will be held on August 23 at 7 p.m. and the exhibit will be featured at the gallery’s Final Friday on August 30. The Fiber Studio is located at 418 S. Commerce Street.

The exhibition focuses on the life experiences of women from youth to old age. Each accompanying poem, posted beside the figure, is inspired either by the figure itself or by the feelings or memories the figure suggests.

The figures with their realistic eyes and gestures can be startling; viewers sometimes express surprise at their silence.

“The poems create a sort of conversation with the sculptures – a conversation which is meant to invite the participation of the onlooker,” Valli-Groeblacher said. “In one, an old woman emerges from a chrysalis to spread enormous painted wings on the wall behind her; in another, a young African-American woman emerges through a shattered glass ceiling with shards of mirror clinging to her gauzy white dress. The figures and poems are meant to draw out the visitors’ own memories, fears and dreams.”

Valli-Groeblacher is assistant professor of art and Stanley is professor and chair for the department of modern languages at McPherson College.

McPherson College Honor Roll, Honorable Mention for Spring 2019

McPherson College recognizes its highest academic achievers in the spring 2019 Honor Roll and Honorable Mention. To qualify for the Honor Roll, students must be a full-time student and earn a grade point average of 3.55 or higher during the previous term. Students earning a grade point average from 3.25 to 3.54 are named to the Honorable Mention Roll.

Students named to the McPherson College Honor Roll for spring 2019 include:

Morgan Abbott, Junior, Decatur, TX
Nicole Abunaja, Sophomore, San Tan Valley, AZ
James Aikins, Junior, Hutchinson, KS
Kento Aizawa, Senior, McPherson, KS
Zackary Alexander, Junior, McPherson, KS
Riley Allen, Freshman, Logan, KS
Jose Alonso, Sophomore, Wichita, KS
Esther Tibaidjuka Amuli, Sophomore, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Aryana Archuleta, Junior, Sacramento, CA
Olivia Baldner, Senior, Johnston, IA
Reganne Barker, Junior, Tipton, KS
Thane Barta, Sophomore, Anchorage, AK
Guido Battistini, Junior, Pilar, Argentina
Cody Baumgartner, Freshman, Hudson, CO
Walter Behrens, Sophomore, Crested Butte, CO
Julia Berger, Senior, Washington, DC
Ethan Billhime, Senior, Windermere, FL
Diamond Blaylock-Norris, Junior, Flower Mound, TX
Julien Bodin, Sophomore, Cartagena, Spain
Kevin Boeckman, Junior, Wamego, KS
Jonatan Bonilla, Sophomore, Del Valle, TX
Molly Booker, Freshman, Roseville, CA
Luke Borton, Junior, Independence, KS
Zoe Bouwmeester, Senior, Zutphen, The Netherlands
Kyle Bowers, Senior, Wichita, KS
Cameron Boyce, Freshman, Tebbetts, MO
Reven Bradbury, Sophomore, Castle Rock, CO
Riley Bradbury, Sophomore, Castle Rock, CO
Trey Brand, Junior, Maize, KS
Kyrstin Branscum, Freshman, Gravette, AR
Abigail Briscoe, Freshman, Little River, KS
Cedric Brown, Freshman, Culpeper, VA
Makaylee Bryson, Freshman, Spanish Fork, UT
Ashley Burch, Senior, Pittsburg, KS
Alex Burger, Junior, Sedan, KS
Robert Calkins, Senior, Rowlett, TX
James Canar, Freshman, Longmont, CO
Diego Cantu, Senior, Roma, TX
Garrett Carroll, Junior, Conroe, TX
Eugenio Cervantez, Sophomore, Princeton, TX
Karley Clark, Senior, McPherson, KS
Chloe Cloud, Senior, Wichita, KS
Justin Cochran, Senior, Wichita, KS
Tyesha Collins, Freshman, Colorado Springs, CO
Garrett Connor, Junior, Parker, CO
Chelsea Conrad, Senior, Ione, CA
Timothy Cowan, Senior, Shawnee Mission, KS
Jonathan Cox, Senior, Hialeah, FL
Micaila Curtis, Senior, Great Bend, KS
Rashida Davis, Senior, Liberal, KS
Dante Dellacroce, Junior, Colorado Springs, CO
Dominic DeLuca, Senior, Hutchinson, KS
Brooke DeLuca, Senior, Hutchinson, KS
Tyler Dunn, Sophomore, Lawton, OK
Paul Calvin Dusabe, Freshman, Commune De Limete, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Taylor Ellison, Senior, Tulsa, OK
Greggory Elvin, Senior, Marquette, KS
Keisha England, Senior, Sand Springs, OK
Benjamin Falconer, Junior, Greeley, CO
Jadin Fleming, Freshman, Castle Rock, CO
Theodore Flint, Freshman, Sagle , ID
Linda Flores, Junior, Paramus, NJ
Rachel Foreman, Senior, Holcomb, KS
Erin Fralick, Senior, New Palestine, IN
Jesse Freeman, Senior, Castle Rock, CO
Rinaldo Gagiano, Junior, Sydney , Australia
Alejandra Galindo, Senior, Roma, TX
Chandler Gehring, Junior, Las Vegas, NV
Elle Gillen, Junior, Castle Rock, CO
Kollin Goering, Freshman, McPherson, KS
Victoria Gonzalez, Junior, Keller, TX
Quinn Gordon, Junior, Sherman Oaks, CA
Cullen Grabast, Junior, Osborne, KS
Moneshya Green, Junior, McCook, NE
Sierra Grow, Freshman, Halstead, KS
Madison Hall, Freshman, The Colony, TX
Alicia Hall, Junior, Aurora, CO
Daniel Hartman, Senior, Wichita , KS
Kaitlyn Heinis, Senior, Oviedo, FL
Shyanne Henkis, Freshman, Laveen, AZ
Grayson Henry, Freshman, McKinney, TX
Sydney Hicks, Freshman, Thornton, CO
Jaden Hilgers, Senior, Wichita, KS
Charles Hoehaver, Senior, Auburn, AL
Joshua Hoerner, Sophomore, Lindsborg , KS
Alissa Hofmann, Junior, Gilbert, AZ
Danielle Holt, Junior, Glenpool, OK
Cara Hudson, Senior, Wasco, CA
Haley Hurst, Freshman, Norman, OK
Florine Ibale, Sophomore, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Lionel Ibonga, Junior, McPherson, KS
Colin Irvin, Sophomore, North Kingstown, RI
Navid Istanbullu, Sophomore, Bremen, Germany
Makenzie Jansonius, Freshman, Prairie View, KS
Ashley Jensen, Senior, Indianola, IA
Lucas Jez, Senior, Westfield, MA
Juan Jimenez, Senior, Pereira, Colombia
Destiny Johnson, Sophomore, Arlington, TX
Jessica Jones, Junior, Brentwood, CA
Codi-Lane Jones, Junior, Salina, KS
Daniel Journey, Junior, Olathe, KS
Neville Kabangu, Sophomore, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Sebia Kalambayi Kabedi, Junior, Lake Bluff, IL
Thara Kalambayi Kapinga, Junior, Lake Bluff, IL
Gracia Kasereka, Sophomore, Commune De Selembao, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Christopher Kelly, Senior, Glasgow, United Kingdom
Jessica Knoeber, Senior, Hutchinson, KS
Justus Clemens Kohler, Sophomore, Prosselsheim, Germany
Jakob Komel, Freshman
Jessica Lane, Senior, Weatherford, TX
Tatelyn Lasley, Junior, Springfield, CO
Jaivion Lattimore, Freshman, Aurora, CO
Timothy Lauring, Senior, Paxton, MA
Cierra Lee, Junior, Goodyear, AZ
James Lee, Sophomore, Royston, United Kingdom
Alexander Lehn, Senior, McPherson, KS
Yunce Liang, Senior, Tianjin, China
Dakota Logan, Sophomore, Monclova, OH
Amanda Lolling, Senior, Haysville, KS
Andre Guillaume Lubaya, Sophomore, Young America, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Esther Lubiba, Sophomore, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Mitchell Ludinich, Sophomore, Nowata, OK
Kylee Martin, Senior, Larned, KS
Aventino Martinez-Garcia, Sophomore, Wichita, KS
Brent Masters, Junior, Howe, TX
Samantha Coraliss Mayaka, Freshman, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Hannah McKay, Freshman, Golden, CO
Nathaniel McLaughlin, Junior, Ticonderoga, NY
Robert Medina, Freshman, Olathe, KS
Hunter Meeks-Riner, Sophomore, Broken Arrow, OK
Matthew Melchor, Freshman, Wichita, KS
Wyatt Miceli, Freshman, Woodacre, CA
Micayla Mikulski, Freshman, Houston, TX
Matthew Tyler Miller-Wells, Senior, Leavenworth, KS
Rodrigo Miranda Enriquez, Freshman, Great Bend, KS
Myron Moncur, Senior, San Jose, CA
Zackery Moran, Junior, Bonnet Bay, NSW, Australia
Karl Moritz, Senior, Columbia, PA
Peyton Morris, Sophomore, Burleson, TX
Maison Moseley, Freshman, Woodward, OK
Ilanna Moyer, Junior, McPherson, KS
Billy Muhizi, Junior, Dacula, GA
Joyce Muhizi, Junior, Dacula, GA
Juliana Munoz, Senior, Antelope, CA
Paul Kapya Mwengwe, Freshman, Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Michel Mwengwe, Freshman, Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Nicholas Navarro, Senior, Paramus, NJ
Samantha Nelson, Senior, Clearfield, UT
Matthew Nutting, Sophomore, Foxboro, MA
Lillian Oeding, Senior, Wichita, KS
Tevin Oller, Junior, Shawnee Mission, KS
Julianna Olvera, Senior, Bakersfield, CA
Garrett Owen, Junior, Woodward, OK
Grant Owens, Freshman, Hutchinson, KS
Frances Parish, Freshman, Rogers, AR
Louis Parker, Senior, Oklahoma City, OK
Katherina Paulson, Senior, McPherson, KS
Tina Payne, Senior, Limon, CO
Allison Penalva, Sophomore, McPherson, KS
Taylor Perez, Sophomore, Tulsa, OK
Mason Polston, Senior, Emporia, KS
Aysia Pryor, Senior, Wichita, KS
Grant Raleigh, Senior, Hesston, KS
Alexander Ramsier, Senior, Wooster, OH
Kendryk Rankin, Junior, Fountain, CO
Philip Reinhardt, Senior, Tenants Harbor, ME
Joshua Reyes, Junior, Plano, TX
Ian Rhoten, Senior, Wichita, KS
Rianne Richard, Senior, Kechi, KS
Cami Richardson, Junior, Hesston, KS
Dylan Riley, Junior, Lake Ozark, MO
Joseph Robben, Sophomore, Goddard, KS
Sean Robinson, Freshman, La Grange, IL
Scarlet Rodriguez, Senior, Houston, TX
Kaleb Rogers, Senior, Falun, KS
Nathaniel Russo, Freshman, Wheat Ridge, CO
Rick Sakamoto, Freshman, Frankston South, Australia
Juan Salmeron Rattana, Junior, Dodge City, KS
Yoranne Sambu, Sophomore, Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Kody Scholl, Freshman, Colorado Springs, CO
Morgan Sechler, Senior, McPherson, KS
Leia Seiler, Senior, Brighton, CO
Amber Shuey, Senior, Wichita, KS
Jamie Siess, Senior, Tecumseh, KS
Christie Silber, Sophomore, Simi Valley, CA
Emma Singleton, Freshman, North Las Vegas, NV
Kortney Slaughter Jones, Junior, Brentwood, CA
Blake Slaymaker, Junior, Johnstown, CO
Bo Slaymaker, Freshman, Johnstown, CO
Rhianna Smith, Senior, Lindsborg, KS
Zadie Smith, Senior, McPherson, KS
Alison Smith, Junior, Lockeford, CA
Karlie Sneed, Freshman, Seminole, OK
McKenzie Stalnaker, Junior, Wichita, KS
Stevie Stockham, Senior, McPherson, KS
Ryan Swiggart, Junior, Haysville, KS
Brett Sykes, Junior, Coldspring, TX
Xavier Taylor, Sophomore, Waynesville, MO
Sean Thomson, Freshman, Blandford Forum, United Kingdom
Elizabeth Thornton, Junior, Karval, CO
Kaden Tichenor, Freshman, Holcomb, KS
Meklit Tilahun, Junior, McPherson, KS
Adriana Tilleman, Freshman, Van Alstyne, TX
Max Tucker, Junior, Saint Charles, IL
Jacob Turley, Junior, Leighton Buzzard, United Kingdom
Nicholas Turner, Freshman, Hemphill, TX
Kaitlynn Usdansky, Senior, Olathe, KS
Kaitlyn van Asselt, Senior, McPherson, KS
Susana Velasquez, Sophomore, Monterey Park, CA
Italia Venegas, Junior, Shawnee Mission, KS
Victoria Voyles, Senior, McPherson, KS
Nicolas Wahl, Junior, Koenigstein, Germany
Myriah Webster, Junior, Lindsborg, KS
Collin Wedel, Freshman, Moundridge, KS
Hannah Wedel, Senior, Halstead, KS
Courtney Weesner, Junior, Hutchinson, KS
Albert Wegener, Junior, Kansas City, MO
Benjamin Wellikoff, Junior, Newberg, OR
Sierra Werries, Senior, McPherson, KS
Elizabeth Williams, Junior, Broken Arrow, OK
Alyssa Wilson, Sophomore, Lukachukai, AZ
Parkes Wolters, Senior, Osborne, KS
Ellis Woodruff, Sophomore, Princeton, TX
Logan Worswick, Senior, Garland, TX
Julianna Yanez, Sophomore, Wichita, KS
Marissa Zamora, Junior, Chester , CA

Students named to the McPherson College Honorable Mention for spring 2019 include:

Evariste Abeli, Freshman, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Cori Alexander, Sophomore, Roanoke, TX
Destiny Bacon, Sophomore, La Mesa, CA
Ian Baker, Freshman, Provo, UT
Lilliana Balderas, Freshman, Wichita, KS
Christie Betker, Junior, Reno, NV
Jack Bradley, Freshman, Mounds, OK
Mairion Brunken, Sophomore, Willemstad, The Netherlands
Brady Carstens, Freshman, Firestone, CO
Brett Carter, Senior, Sachse, TX
Naomi Cartmell, Junior, Oberlin, KS
Calvin Cassida, Junior, Louisburg, KS
Gavin Christensen, Junior, Tacoma, WA
Justin Clemens, Freshman, Colorado Springs, CO
Cailey Cornett, Freshman, Lindsborg, KS
Ed Crouch, Senior, Miami Gardens, FL
Jake Curtis, Freshman, Great Bend, KS
Charity Davis, Junior, Lawton, OK
Haydn Denis, Freshman, Phoenix, AZ
David Deramee, Senior, Azle, TX
Matthew DeVoe, Junior, Chanute, KS
Jennie Erven, Sophomore, Scott City, KS
Jerod Fuller, Senior, Polk City, FL
Micah Gilbert, Senior, Elkhart, IN
Cali Godwin, Junior, Wichita, KS
Jacqueline Gullion, Freshman, Fremont, CA
Careino Gurley, Senior, Minneapolis, MN
Garrett Ham, Sophomore, Albuquerque, NM
Brittni Harlow, Senior, Lincoln, KS
Mitchell Harms, Senior, Orange Cove, CA
Curren Harris, Senior, Hiwassee, VA
Tristan Hawkinson, Senior, Hutchinson, KS
Natalie Hemann, Junior, Osage, IA
Cole Hinton, Junior, Wathena, KS
Jonathan Hoffman, Freshman, Wysox, PA
Martin Jaime, Freshman, San Antonio, TX
Janell Johnson, Senior, McPherson, KS
Chloe Jones, Freshman, McPherson, KS
Liliane Kathoheryo, Freshman, Goma, Nord Kivu, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Choucranie Kayembe, Sophomore, Lubumbashi Haut Katanga, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Thomas Kleywegt, Junior, Gravesend, United Kingdom
Haelie Kniesteadt, Junior, Gove, KS
Connor Kresky, Senior, McPherson, KS
Lance Lagasse, Sophomore, New Sweden, ME
Skylar Lane, Sophomore, Castle Rock, CO
Sydney Lang, Senior, Berryton, KS
Aaron Leck, Junior, McPherson, KS
Kyle Lux, Junior, Lewes, DE
Carelle Mampasu, Freshman, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Luis Martinez, Sophomore, Dallas, TX
Adrian Martinez Sanchez, Freshman, Laredo, TX
Trisha Mathewson, Freshman, Axtell, KS
Richard Mbuyamba, Freshman, Johannesburg, South Africa
Gerardo Mendez, Senior, Wichita, KS
Cole Miller, Freshman, McPherson, KS
Killian Millner, Senior, McPherson, KS
Tyler Minney, Senior, Stewkley, United Kingdom
Grant Munsen, Junior, Manhattan, KS
LeaAnn Myers, Junior, Loveland, CO
Tyler Norris, Sophomore, Arvada, CO
Madison O’Brien, Senior, Dighton, KS
Kentaro Oya, Freshman, Saitama-shi, Japan
Nicholas Papini, Senior, Mundelein, IL
Erica Paradise, Freshman, Bakersfield, CA
Tyler Perkins, Senior, Lake Ozark, MO
Kristin Potter, Junior, Houston, TX
Bela Raimondi, Senior, Colfax, CA
Onya Rainbolt, Larned, KS
Dominick Ramos, Senior, Fresno, CA
Carlos Reyna, Junior, Hutchinson, KS
Jonas Rivero, Freshman, Dumas, TX
Nathan Robl, Junior, Lyons, KS
Carter Runyan, Freshman, Olathe, KS
Katherine Saul, Freshman, Porter, TX
Bryce Snodgrass, Junior, Peyton, CO
Antonio Snyder, Sophomore, Newton, KS
Jack Stalcup, Sophomore, Hugoton, KS
Hunter Sury, Senior, Katy, TX
Jacob Tiernan, Senior, Abilene, KS
Peyton Turner, Senior, McPherson, KS
Luis Valdez-Rivera, Freshman, Sachse, TX
Joshua Wade, Sophomore, Olathe, KS
Kellen Watkins, Senior, Hugoton, KS
Frederick Watts, Sophomore, Channelview, TX
Bradley Wells, Senior, Olathe, KS
Austin Wiley, Freshman, Kansas City, MO
Justin Wiltfong, Senior, Stockton, KS
Cordell Wingerd, Junior, Davenport, IA
Evan Wojtkiewicz, Senior, Kansas City, MO
Brandt Wolters, Senior, Portis, KS
Madyson Woog, Sophomore, Highlands Ranch, CO
Brittany Zipf, Junior, Rockhampton, Australia