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137th McPherson College Commencement Ceremony

Saturday, May 10, 2025
10:30 am  | McPherson Stadium

Ceremony details to be announced this spring.

Related Link

Past ceremonies:

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019

Schedule of Activities

Thursday, May 8

2:30 p.m. Class Group Photo at Harnly Garden
All bachelor’s degree students should report to Harnly Garden (in front of Melhorn Hall) at 2:30 p.m. in cap and gown. Please be on time so you do not miss being a part of the group photo. You will receive a link to your free group photo in a future email.

3:00 p.m. Commencement Rehearsal for All Graduates
Immediately following the group photos, we will rehearse for the Saturday ceremony. Note: You must attend rehearsal if you plan to participate in Commencement.

Saturday, May 10

Line Up for Commencement Processional at 10:00 a.m.
We will gather inside the Sport Center to line up for the processional. Students line up alphabetically by last name in the large gym. Faculty and staff in the small gym. The platform party, faculty, staff and graduates will process in that order from the Sport Center to seating on the track.

Commencement Ceremony at 10:30 a.m.
So that you and your family need not worry about capturing the moment, a professional photographer will take photos of all graduates as they receive their diploma cover. You will receive a link to access your free photo in a later email. The ceremony will also be streamed on this page.

After the Ceremony
The recessional will conclude in front of Miller Library. You, your family, and friends are welcome to linger on campus and take casual photos.

Additional Info

Graduates’ guests will not need tickets for admission to the stadium. However, lightning, strong storms, or disruptive conditions such as the high winds could still drive the Commencement ceremony indoors to Brown Auditorium. Because tickets will be required for selected guests to gain admittance to Brown Auditorium, graduates will receive tickets for up to seven selected guests, which will be sent to their Bulldog email address.

Graduates will pick up their cap and gown at Senior Fest! Seniors unable to attend Senior Fest, can pick up their cap and gown in the registrar’s office after Senior Fest, provided they do not have a financial hold on their account and they have completed the career services survey.
Important Reminder! You are eligible to participate in the Commencement ceremony provided you meet all the following conditions:

  • Your financial balance is paid in full.
  • You have completed the Career Services outcomes survey.
  • You meet the following academic criteria:
    • You have six or fewer credits remaining to complete your degree.
    • You have a minimum GPA of 2.0 or higher in both your major and your cumulative residential coursework.
    • If you are an elementary education major, you have completed your student teaching.
    • If you are seeking secondary teaching licensure, you have completed your major content requirements.

Should you have additional questions about the above conditions or about the Commencement rehearsal or ceremony, do not hesitate to contact the registrar’s office at [email protected].